Jared has been so busy at work the last little while with the holidays coming, so he took the family out for a fun night. We decided that next time we need to get a babysitter for Kenz. She is a handful in public. The kids planned the night, and I have to say that they did a great job. We first went to Pizza Hut and then bowling. We called and invited Uncle Ty to come and so he got a little date and came!! It was a lot of fun. The kids had a great time. Jace & Rylie are at the perfect age to do something like this. They got so into it and Jace is into numbers and so he was always counting up how many points he had before the score was even put up. He is a fun kid and is so good to his sisters. It is so fun to watch how competitive he is becoming. Not really with others but with himself. He is a perfectionist and if he didn't get a strike or knock down some pins, he would get a little frustrated. Rylie on the other hand just makes sure that she gets her turn or else you may hear a little squeal from her.

Rylie getting ready to eat at the Pizza!

Nice bowl Ry! She got a strike!

Perfect form! Watch out bowling leagues......here Jace comes!

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