Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Thanksgiving was great. We went to my parents for the day. It was beautiful. Some of the boys in the fam. went duck hunting. Here are some of the pics that we got. They are nuts. It was a fun day filled with lots of food, laughter, love and naps!

This is my nephew Stockton. He is sick. I have another picture of him kissing the duck, kinda!I guess he is desprate for his first kiss!!

Kirk, Stockton, Jared, & Ty
The mighty hunters. Ty was acting like the smaller bird was that on Dumb & Dumber when the little kid got the bird with its head taped on. He is nuts.

Who knows what the heck he is doing here! Ya gotta love him.

Rylie doing cheers for the basketball players. The night of Thanksgiving we have always gone to the church to play BKB. This year we went to the High School because my sister Jodi is the PE teacher this year.

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