Thursday, August 21, 2008

We're Still ALIVE & KICKIN'!

What a great and fun summer we have had. I just am in denial that it is over! I am still in July since we had a late start on the summer (weather wise)! Here are some of the highlights in overload mode!!

Sunday visit to see Grandma Jensen! She is such an amazing person and we are so lucky to call her our Grandma!
Memorial day in Downey. This is were my moms parents are buried and so every year we go camping and swimming at the local Downata (not sure on the spelling)! It is great fun!
Grandpa & Grandma Kunz in Victor. It is always nice to go to the valley, but just not quite the same since my grandparents have passes on. I am a lucky girl to have such a great heritage.
Jacer fell off the back of a trailer and broke his arm...just in time for summer!!! He gets his skills from his mom!
We had the Hansen's come and stay with us for a couple days while Becky and the girls were up at girls camp. It was so fun.One day we went up to Rexburg and played at the park, did the merry-go-round, and played in the splash park...minor detail we didn't bring swim wear!
Sleeping out on the deck. Dad ended up sleeping with them also. I was on Kenzley duty, with no complaining on my part, duty!
LAGOON!! That's were fun is....I think??? We went with the Kunz family (Cole & Lindsay, Sayler & Wade) it was great fun, although hot! The dads are almost as fun as Lagoon is......
Heise Baby! We went to celebrate my brothers daughters birthday. We saran wrapped Jaces arm but it leaked a little. OOPS. The poor boy was a good sport!
Kenzley with her "bo-bo" She is obsessed with it. This is her for the last time without it. I think I had to wean myself instead of her.
My three monkey's. Rylie is into posing for pictures this day and it was cracking me up. And for Kenz....all I can say is CHEEZE!

1 comment:

ashley said...

Your kids are too cute. Glad to hear that you had a great summer. Looks like lots of fun. I can't believe it's gone either, when I was a kid it seemed like summers lasted FOREVER but not anymore:(