Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Kenz-a-roo! Can you say HAM?!?

Kenzley is probably one of the messiest eaters I have ever ate with. It is a dreadful task to even think about feeding her because we know what the end result will be. She throws her food, dumps it all over, rubs it in her hair, on her face, on her clothes, you name it, she will do it. But who could get mad at this face!! She is so fun.

This is her Kookie smile. She scrunches her nose and then tries to smile while blowing her boogers out her nose! Awesome. She has such a fun personality. She cracks me up!

Here is where she ate!! Now ya know what I'm talking about.

Tonight we gave the kids a bath, and I wrapped Kenz up in Ry's towel and she thought she was so funny. She walked around with it on her head for a while and then just started running around naked. I don't think it helped that we were all laughing at her. I don't know how we will ever teach her because we are always laughing at everything she does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE those little teeth, love to feel them lightly graze my hard c=ck while she sucks it, watch the c-m run from her mouth and drip off her chin mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hot, never been sucked by a baby but it must feel awesome those hard short little sucks bet I would blow my load real quick